Whether it be via mobile phones, email, instant messaging or in one of the other multitudes of forms that electronic messaging can be used in, there is nothing worse than talking to some one who thinks that caps lock is cruise control for cool.
Nothing says “I’m 12 years old” more clearly then seeing an entire paragraph/ conversation sprinkled with LOOOOOL!!! or YEAH SURE!! SEE YOU SOON!! !!! LOVE YOU XXXMWAHxXXxX. If you met that same person on the street and were having the same conversation, would you jump around and scream in a shrill voice about how bored you are at the moment? Do you honestly roll around on the floor with laughter every time someone says something even remotely amusing? No? Then why do you feel the need to shout it across the chat room?
Using caps doesn’t harm anyone in anyway, there’s no law against sounding like a retard; yet I’m sure I’m not alone when I feel like throttling the next person who tries to use caps to make their argument more valid, or a joke more amusing.
So next time you get the urge to caps a reply in forum, a text to your (long suffering) friend or an IM reply; Stop. Take a deep breath. Rethink whether the information you’re about to share should be screamed hysterically. Then regardless of what you think, turn caps OFF. You are helping make the world a better place.
Posted by Jessica Shute.
Image source: SeriousLulz.com
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