WHY?! Is the thousand year old tradition of expressing emotion through laughter suddenly dying out with the onslaught of technology? Or is our generation just seriously beginning to lose our sense of humor?
Okay, fair enough I can understand that the idea of letting people know that your laughing online is more easily understood by lol or rofl, rather than brewhahahahaha, but taking it from an internet sensation and moving it into reality is just a whole other issue all together!
Every time I am having a conversation with someone in person that says "lol" or "wtf" or "rofl" or even "btw" (believe me it has been done) I find myself standing there wanting to punch them in the face!
Not only is is it a major annoyance but unbelievably addictive! I find myself slowly loosing my ability to laugh as it is being sucked up by the increasingly prevalent social norm of expressing laughter through one word....lol.
Therefore I submit a challenge to you all, next time you feel the urge to laugh at something... just do it! Let's combat this phenomenon before it overtakes us!
Posted By Bianca Vitale.
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