So, I'm rushing to get to work the other week, only to miss the green light when the driver in front of me, completely engaged in her text message, fails to pull off. Mum and Dad told us again and again to turn our phones off when we drive... so why don't we?
I've been guilty of it, sneaking a quick reply while you're driving, because it's harmless right?
Maybe... but not always, in fact just the other day, i was a passenger to a driver who was texting while driving. I didn't feel safe at all, especially when she grazed the curb when she rounded a corner.
The reason I get annoyed at people who text while they drive is because driver's around us need to be extra alert to make up for you lack of attention. Unfortunately, most drivers are doing the same thing. We often question why there are so many accidents on the road, yet they're so easily preventable. We're capable of reducing so many of the accidents which have claimed friends and loved ones.
So it's simple! Stop texting, and keep your eyes on the road!
Posted by Jesslyn Mapstone.
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